
Thank you for being a part of the MVMT in 2023!

Here at MVMT 360, my top priority has always been to provide my clients with an integrated approach to injury rehabilitation/prevention, corrective exercise, and performance-based training. Providing 1-on-1 personalized treatment and coaching to all of my clients has helped generate improved outcomes. As the practice continues to grow into 2024, I wanted to take a moment to let you know about some upcoming changes to my pricing structure.

I will be implementing a price raise at MVMT360 to allow for continued growth and the ability to better serve my current clients as well as reach more people. This will allow me to reinvest in the clinic, not just with personnel, but more effective equipment and infrastructure.

I value you and your willingness to work with MVMT 360, so for a limited time I want to offer you an opportunity to buy a package of visits at the old rate before the new price structure goes into effect on Feb. 31. Please call the clinic to take advantage of this special opportunity!

I look forward to working with you again and for you to see all the progress MVMT 360 continues to make. Check out the new pricing structure below.

Initial Evaluation


The most comprehensive evaluation you’ve ever had.
This is where your journey begins

10 Sessions


$200 Discount

$583 Per Month

20 Sessions


$800 Discount

$1033 Per Month

*3 monthly payments, 2nd and 3rd payments are made on first of the next month. Non Refundable.
*Unlimited pack visits must be used within 6 months of date of purchase